"Some things can't be buried", 'The Square' is about a man who falls apart in lust. The film is led by David Roberts in a spectacular performance, fully convincing me this was a real man making real decisions and paying for it in real consequences.
The rest of the cast in the film were very well performed for what was needed of them as they convinced me of how naive they were in their own filth. I see some of the lines drawn to the Coen brothers' film 'Blood Simple' but I personally felt that this film was done better. These creators know exactly how to push and pull you emotionally at will.
If I were to make a complaint or two I would start with the forced and uninformed love between the main character and his mistress, and the second would be the deep theology which lies in most of the Coen brothers' films.
Imagine a roller coaster you ride and when it is over you think about what it would be like if more of those rides existed. This is exactly that, it is a ride just like some of the goods which the Coen brothers have provided, but instead of a corkscrew going left, they gave you a corkscrew going right. No matter the similarities, I think so far this is the years best to date.
"The Square"