Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Review: Paul Greengrass's "Green Zone" (2010)

Paul Greengrass is the director who brought to us both of the 'Bourne' sequels, and "United 93". This director, based on all the films he has worked on, seems to love making modern war era films. "United 93" was a patriotic film, without too many distorted messages. "United 93" was easy to watch and understand why that film felt needed to be made. "Green Zone" on the other hand, played directly to the hands of America's liberal society. Big bad fascist Republican run war programs vs. the peaceful, go green Democrats.

America should know by now everything wrong with the world can all be traced to the Republican party, and if not, be enlightened... or rather... obscure, misled, delude, confuse, confound, bewilder the truths with beautiful lies. You slap on an American flag on the shoulder of a soldier, and let him fight for the Democratic flag of the U.S. and all is well.

This film has no idea how dumb it is. Even the liberal society knows where to throw this film. If there is a person who finds the film's content of any interest, they must be blind, deaf, and have no taste for film.

The film has no point, perhaps it would have been better fitting to have been directed by Michael Moore and be set on the shelf with other lame documentaries. This movie makes truly good war films look that much better. The film has no moment of wit, or surprise. The film feels like everyone behind the camera fell asleep and left the camera rolling as unguided actors do nothing.

If at all possible, you will want to skip this film, for sure.

"Green Zone"
4 / 10