Terminator 1, 2, 3, then a prequel... its too bad this storyline continued past the second film. Now with the franchise under new ownership, is considering a reboot. I think this should have been treated like Microsoft stock, and just hide it under a bed for at least 10 years before you bring it back into discussion. Currently nobody cares about the stupidity brought to the big screen the last couple times around, and could possibly have tainted it permanently.
Star Wars. I am sad to say it, because the franchise brought me what no other franchise has ever brought me before, but I am tired of all the new productions. I have been done with new Star Wars productions since Episode 1, although I had hoped for redemption in the second and third episodes. Star Wars is moving on to produce animated things, CG things, and it is all seeming more like a toy marketing move than a care about the franchise itself. If we do indeed see a new trilogy from Lucas, as rumored, I would feel like wasting all my money on fireworks, while puking my way to get them, and not stop puking until they deliver. If they don't deliver, it may tarnish the franchise I love that much more, and who knows, they might add another Jar Jar, and possibly enter him into the classics 4, 5, and 6.
Planet of the freaking Apes. I really have never met a single person who confesses a passion for this ... franchise? Lets just call it garbage. I have never met a single person who confesses a passion for this garbage. Now we are going to be fed a new one, not a reboot, but an addition to what exists, genius idea right? *snore*
'Ocean's 27', staring all of Angelina Jolie's adopted children, releases in 2025.
Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm St., and Halloween. . . . . . . .
Godzilla XXXXIV ... the reboot (2013).
Remakes, redoes, reboots... Poseidon, yea that was obvious, but 'The Departed?' I had no idea that was a remake, how did that slip by me? It was based off of a Hong Kong thriller 'Infernal Affairs'. It is said the Scorsese version is scripted almost identically to the original and Scorsese is quoted saying that his was original and not a remake. That really comforts me since I didn't think it was that great in the first place, it is lucky Apocalypto got robbed. I Am Legend... etc.. remake lists go one endlessly and are increasing their frequency with every year.
Good news involving 2 of the 3 greatest fantasy franchises is that there is no news on an addition to the Matrix franchise and that the Hobbit has the same creative team with a new director as the Lord of the Rings trilogy did... although still no green light on filming.