Watched 'The Road' yesterday for the second time in a week. This movie really does give me everything I want in this type of apocalyptic feature. The acting is superb, the imagery is stellar, and the story seems to carry all the way through on the same pace. There isn't a single scene that looks fake or out of place, and every scene of dialogue is perfect for what the intentions were. The only concern I would have is the paper to camera translation being loyal. I have not read the book, but from what I have been told by those who have all say this was an extremely great take and all the scenes were spot on with their own imagination. The problem they say, is that they cut out a lot of the story to fit it into a film, which I am not excited about. I wish people would make films that extend past the standard times of 2 hours if that is what it takes to do the most justice to the writers' work.

Even after seeing it 6 times now, I am still not fully sold on my theories of the film. They leave just enough open for interpretation that it fully satisfies my curiosity while I myself can play an imaginative role in the story.

Casting and score couldn't be more perfect. I am just absolutely amazed at this film every time I think about it. I think you know a film is great to you when you go out of your way to make other people watch it. There was just a lot in this film that astounded me. This film really does reveal a desolate world without God. This is a must see.