I guess I can rant all day, so moving on to this strange titled project. 'Ready Player One' is a debut novel written by the screenwriter of 'Fanboys', Ernie Cline. 'Fanboys' was so good at doing what they did for those they did it for I am absolutely sold that this guy is capable of entertaining me, but time will tell with the releasing news of the story. So far its being meshed with 'Avatar', 'Matrix', and ...'Willie Wonka'?
The story focuses on a teen who enters a virtual world to get away from real life. It sounds like a gamers dream and nightmare. Dream in fact because that is the goal of most fanatic gamers, and a nightmare for them because they will probably be painted in a not so appealing light with a project like this. When I saw the first 2 comparisons I was excited, and then when I heard that it was also being compared with Willie Wonka, I got nervous. The story is connected to good old Willie because the story takes the dieing creator and lottery inheritor theme. It is like the 'Matrix' obviously because of the virtual reality world he enters into. Then last, and very least is 'Avatar', which in my opinion is going to be mocking the popular game "World of Warcraft". The world the teen will probably enter into will probably be a huge shout out to the "WoW" addicts as the world he enters into will probably look similar, thus looking like 'Avatar'.
Once you put all the puzzle peices together I don't think the project sounds like it would be a serious flick, or it may be rubbing off of 'Tron' a bit too much from what is floating in my mind, but more of a mockery, funny, exciting, visually stunning film. I am not sold on its greatness, but if my assumptions are right, it could be a genius idea done 5 years too late. The gaming world is shifting, but very slowly. The creators of World of Warcraft have come almost to a stand still on producing new games because of the existence and popularity of World of Warcraft itself. The product is still making record setting financial numbers and the fans are steady. So why make another game? They have been releasing news of games for over 8 years, promising releases, and still nothing. The problem with releasing a new game would be that it would take business away from themselves. They are waiting for the WoW movement to trickle off, and it is, very very slowly. The game was most popular about 5 years ago and the writer of this story may just be too late for a smash hit. I think it can produce old memories, or still be relatable to those affected by the gaming addictions but not as timely as it could have been.
Obviously much of this is based on assumptions, but it just reeks of truth. Still, we haven't received much good movie news as of late so, the news of this is a little easier to be excited about.