SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZE. I wish I could end it there and take myself serious. This is what coems to mind when every 'Top Gun' hater starts to tell me why they dislike 'Top Gun'. This is every bad thing 'Top Gun' is, multiplied by 10 in being lame. The story sucks, the acting outside of Cruise sucks, but even Cruise is a snoring performance when surrounded by so much snooze. EVERYTHING sucks about this movie. Just scrap the whole thing for the sake of everyone involved, so nobody else has to endure this pile of feces. This just reminds me Hollywood has been failing beyond my viewing generation... just plain terrible. If I tried to articulate everything individually that went wrong and how, I would need to withdraw from state disability after filing for insanity.
Oh yea, and the crazy uncle from all the 'Vacation' movies debuted for me in his first ever serious role, and it failed. This guy in a serious role is like a giant fat black man playing Kingpin... oh wait... DANG IT!
"Days of Thunder"
2 / 10