John C. Reilly makes me sad he ever teamed up with Will Ferrell. He appears to be able to hold his own in dramatic fashion. This film, "Magnolia", and so many of his supporting moments in other various films. I would have liked to see his rugged mug go on to conquer greater things. But as of now it seems he is on the road moving paycheck to paycheck, selling out to the next pile of crap.
In this film, John C. Reilly is good, and perhaps that is being generous. There were flaws in the film here and there, but it seemed the leading man in Philip Baker Hall, support from Samuel L. Jackson, and Gweneth Paltrow were all superior.
Each character brings their unique level of interest, and the pace of the film is good, but for some reason I am left with a void. I felt that the story was fine if it was read to me, but seeing how everything happened, I think there was much that could have been done better. This was P.T. Anderson's first major film, so there is a bit of room for failure.
In the end, I think I would have liked to see more twists and turns in this type of drama. Most of everything was a bit transparent with one decent unguessable moment.
There is enough substance in the film to carry you to the end without wishing you hadn't, but then again, I may have only seen the film to put a check in the last box remaining for a P.T. Anderson film, and may not have the same result for someone else.
All in all, the film is empty in greatness, but enough mediocrity to carry you through.
"Hard Eight"
6.5 / 10