Thursday, March 10, 2011

Review: "Lewis and Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery" (1997) Documentary

This documentary, about Lewis and Clark's adventurous journey out west and back is great. I find the documentary extremely detailed. I love the arrangement of the documentary as well, its told on a timeline side by side with a map, showing us just what it was they did. The events described in the film are truly inspiring, to find out just what each man experienced along the way was great.

This was one of the most exciting biographical documentaries I have ever seen. It opened my mind to many new things, things I dwell about now, things I am curious about now. I think if someone wants a great bite of American history, this is a great place to start.

It was even more evident to how great this documentary was when I watched another one narrated by Jeff Bridges and about died of boredom. This documentary was over 3 hours long, each minute as great as the prior.

"Lewis and Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery"
9 / 10