Ok, its time to get something off my chest... what in the world was Sissy Spacek's parents doing with their lives when they raised their daughter?! She plays a highschool girl at the age of 24 in 'Badlands' with high sexual content. Then again in 1976 in 'Carrie', which practically starts out as a pedophiles dream porn. I read an article the other day, not sure of the website, but it claimed that GQ magazine was wrong for photographing actors and actresses who play high school characters in a television show (Glee)... at first I thought they were dumb, as the actors and actresses are ACTING as these characters, but are realistically not these high school "children". I still think that situation is a bit different, and justified by both sides. One is careful and considerate, which is weighing heavy on the side of caution, as our generation seems to spot light pedophilia more and more, growing our subconscious. But, in a film, portraying a high school character, and WHILE playing as that character, or characters, with such sexual content, it just doesn't give me a good taste in my mouth, and as a critic, fully biased to my subjections, cannot award a filmmaker or actor for doing these things, instead, they become penalties.
Now, having gotten that off my chest, this film is no less than great. Martin Sheen proves to me time and time again why he is among the top. Just great performances by every actor in the film, fulfilling their roles perfectly. I mean, what else can someone say to build up a performance? Perfect. Its too bad James Dean came first, because I would love to say James Dean looks like Martin Sheen in this film, the superior actor, playing a character that identifies better with what James Dean was trying to do, but never really did.
Terrence Malick definitely sells his greatness in this film as he wrote and directed this great movie.
Just an all around enjoyable film. I am pushing this one on anyone and everyone, a must see film.
9 / 10