I am tired of these films flooding the market. If you live in a town that still has a movie rental business in it, its not too late to find out what I mean. When you walk the isles, how many movies do you have to look at before your eyes find something interesting? Filtering out subconsciously, all the garbage. Isle after isle, I wonder how in the world people find a way to finance some of these movies.
This movie isn't terrible, its VERY mediocre however. Nothing can be found in this film to be called unique. The film's story was duct taped to the hood of a Lamborghini on an endless road at max speed. I just don't have time to care about anything in the movie. The one thing I was told to feel was dumb, prejudice bad, Jews good. This is the theme in so many films, that I need a good story to tag team this concept, otherwise I can watch 'Schindler's List' and KNOW I will be given something delicious, something convincing, something convicting. Brendan Fraser's character is just so unreal, there is nothing relatable. This film was unable to convince me of anything outside of boredom.
"School Ties"
5.5 / 10