Breck Eisner doesn't have a very long list of accomplishments in film. He has directed "Sahara", staring Matthew McConaughey, and is now working on a remake of a very popular creature feature called the "Creature From the Black Lagoon". Hopefully the remake is at least mediocre, because the original, this time, wasn't worth breathing on unless you were taking a class on how easy it can be to make such a film.
Eisner took on the task, before his current remake, to remake another creature film, "The Crazies". This film, tells a new tale of zombies, but doesn't take long before this tale becomes extremely unbearable. As hard as it was to finish, I did finish it.
A zombie film if taken serious should at least try to scare the viewer. This film really just tried playing with the style of scaring that comes from jumping out of a closet at someone around midnight. Really boring, and very uncreative. The sound, effects and music, were terrible. This is just another addition to the ever long genre of zombie failures. So few understand how a good zombie film is made, and I am even casting doubt on the godfather of zombies himself Mr. Romero. Romero hasn't done anything new or inventive since... "Night of the Living Dead".
This film follows a bunch of characters you couldn't care less about, as they do just about everything you wouldn't do or believe someone would do. The story is simple, there are zombies, and everyone should run. That concept for a story is pretty ideal for a zombie film, too bad its full of idiotic filler.
Timothy Olyphant is working at my patience. if he keeps up the trend of films he chooses, I will black list him forever. A good actor can still prove impressive amongst filthy story or even filthier staffing, and Olyphant keeps revealing his value in cents.
"The Crazies"
4 / 10