"The Fighter" start off strong. The film is so lucky to have had Christian Bale attached to it, and I feel that should be the first emphasis. The story really was an automatic victory as it was based on a true story with interesting characters with an interesting idea. I think based on everything I saw, in hindsight, when I think about what the director had, I think he could have and should have accomplished much more than he did in this piece. I think without Christian Bale, the flaws of his directing would be much more visible.
When a scene was funny, it turned hilarious, then it seemed like the director knew he had something, and went back to it a few times. At times, it felt like I was listening to a stand-up comedian, a good one, and then after a great joke, he starts it all over again thinking he might get the same applause. He rode every success out till it couldn't be ridden anymore.
Every scene inside a boxing ring was mediocre, made for television quality stuff. The slow motion, scene cutting was lame. Sprinkle some bad music in on it and you have a nice steaming pile. It is too bad Christian Bale couldn't get into the ring and fight, because it would have been more interesting... after all, he was the most interesting person in the whole film, by far. The side characters, or extras, were good enough. As for Marky Mark, he was exactly what I expected, he was Marky Mark. He is the absolute epitome of mediocrity in Hollywood. Mark Wahlberg so far is incapable of carrying a film on his own. He should hang onto whoever it is he knows in Hollywood, because the roles he gets are far beyond his abilities. When Marky Mark turns from losing the fight, to winning the fight, it is the most awkward moment in the whole film... Boxing movies need to realize what each great sports films accomplished and why before they dig into making another random sport flick.
Overall the problems in the film include the score, cinematography, and just plain average acting from the majority of the cast. Everything good about the film was every scene which had Christian Bale's face in the shot. Christian Bale just keeps proving how much ability he has in his closet, with too vast a range to contain. Bale proves he is among Hollywood's elite.
If just to see Christian Bale's performance, see this film. You should be entertained in watching this film. I think Bale should be nominated for 'Best Supporting Actor' and the film should be nominated for 'Best Comedy/Musical'.
Amy Adams does have my interest now. I am bad with recognizing actresses, but I dug back into her filmography and noticed she impressed me in "Sunshine Cleaning", "Julie & Julia", "Doubt", and "Catch Me If You Can"... Now I will try and remember her.
"The Fighter"
6.5 / 10